Friday, November 12, 2010

Guest Blogger today on Dormify!

So my friends at Dormify asked me to do a Guest Blog today with tips on organizing fall boots.

Dormify is a super cool site dedicated to bringing creative and inspriring decor dorm rooms.

If anyone needs to find creative ways to fit a lot of stuff into a tiny space, it's college students!

I totally remember my freshman dorm room at Boston University. I planned my space to be bright and colorful--with whites, fushia and green. I think I even had fake Gerber daisies in a vase by my bed.

My roommate's side was all black with a leopard-print duvet :)

Not necessarily a design match made in heaven--but by the end of the year I lost some of my Martha Stewart girlie decor--and my roommate lost some of her Vegas bachelor pad style...and we met somewhere in the middle!

Ahhh memories! Be sure to check out my post on Dormify today!

PS--I just got my boot hangers in the mail yesterday. Look for a post next week where I show you how wonderful they worked!

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