Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A fav of mine...Goop!

My obsession with Gwyneth Paltrow has been going on for years.

Do you remember the line from the 90's movie Can't Hardly Wait "You are so much prettier than Gwyneth"..."She is so not prettier than Gwyneth!" CLASSIC!

It seems Gwyneth has always been the standard for beauty among women. But her style isn't aggressive or flashy. She is always smart, sexy and cool...and did you see her on SNL? She has a wicked sense of humor...I told you I loved her :)

I even dressed up as Margot Tennenbaum once for Halloween!

This is not me :)

So when I got an email about Gwyneth's own personal newsletter...I immediately signed up!

Welcome to GOOP!

Goop is a newsletter that arrives about once a week. Gwynnie (that's what I call her in my head) shares recipes, personal travel notes, advice, and so much more.


 I feel like this is an inside look at her world...her favs, her tips, everything!

They even have a Spanish version!
You won't be disappointed!

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